1. This is the cartoon confederation project. It’s a project where you had to make a cartoon about the makings and results of confederation in Canada. I first drew some rough drafts, then some good drafts to use to hand in, then overall put fine liner and colour after I was done.
  2. What makes me proud is the amount while, the artstyle did not come out well, I did put a lot of effort about maybe even six hours of effort(as bad as it is), and I’m glad I know that this was the best I could do.
  3. The challenges I faced while working on it was the sheer size and repetitiveness of the project. While the first rough drafts were fun and exciting to plan out, the good drafts were basically a one or two hour long copy and pasting onto another sheet of paper.
  4. I would probably put the content in some panels of the comic into others and give more events a bigger coverage in the comic and some insignificant parts less coverage. I would also try to colour the background as well, not only the panels.
My Reflection 1

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