What’s in my bag – LindaR.2022’s Site (sd43.bc.ca)

I chose to do this person’s post because I enjoyed looking at how they had designed their post and website, making it look organized and satisfying to look at. It had a big title and a large clear  picture of what was in their bag. The picture was easy to look at and you could clearly see exactly what were the items. The post had all the proper information that was asked for such as, listing all the items that were in the picture and explaining what they were and how they are used at school. It also had multiple pictures to go along with the writing that connected well to what they were talking about. They also answered all the questions fully and making their writing easy to read and follow. Finally, they had a clean font that was large enough to easily be able to see it and popped out and did not blend in with the background to make it harder to read.

My content connects to my peer because I realized that they carried many items that I also carry. Things such as laptop, binder, pencil case, and calculator were some of things that we both carry to school. I also noticed that we had answered two of the same questions and had some similarities in our answers. Talking about what our bags would look like in the past showed that we would have to carry more items as we would not have things such as a laptop and so would require to use more things for paper work.

I noticed that they were able to demonstrate their learning on this topic clearly and well. They demonstrated their learning by being able to answer the questions that were asked with full understanding by clearly answering the question and making sure that what was written made sense to what was being asked. I think that my peer and I were able to demonstrate our learning on this topic similarly as we were both able to successfully answers the questions properly and to the best of our understanding. Our presentation of the topic was in some parts the same and other different in our own ways as we chose to express it in our own unique way. My classmates experience was similar to mine while still being a little different since they would answer the same questions and we would have some of parts of our answer the same and some much different. My view of the assignment has changed after looking at my peers because I noticed that were are many different ways that you can interpret the same question and answer it in your own way depending on how you see fit.



Linking Assignment #1

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