Reflection 1

Goals l want to achieve by grade 10 are, making new friends, knowing where all my classes are without asking for help and sleeping earlier.

My first goal is to make new friends. Since I’m in grade 9 l really don’t know anyone because I’m in a new school. l want to be able to talk to people without feeling shy or nervous by grade 10. A way to achieve this goal by grade 10 is trying to get into every program and meeting people that have the same course that l have. My next goal is to know where all my classes are without asking for help. i still forget where my gym class is and l would like to be able to go to my class without having to panic every few seconds. A way to be able to achieve this goal is to remember key things that are near the gym class or that are on the path towards the gym class. My last and final goal is to sleep earlier so l don’t feel tired every day. A way to achieve this goal is to always sleep at a specific time.

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