Reflection 1 – My Goals For this Year

Family and Friends


1.I would like to make to make more friends, get to know and meet new people. I will do this by talking to and making at least one new friend in all of my semester one and two classes by end of this school year.

This is one of my goals this year because I am new to this school and I don’t really know too many people and would like to become friends with more people especially in all of my classes. I also just like meeting new people and would like to get to know more people in all of my classes, which will hopefully make this school year even more enjoyable and fun and then next year coming back I can know more people next year in grade 10 and so on which would great and very eventful.


 2. I would like to get to know and spend more time with grandparents and close family I will do this by spending at least 45min-one hour a day every day talking to and spending time with them.

This is one of my goals because I feel like with school, homework and everything going on I don’t spend as much time as I would want to with my family and grandparents and I hope to change this by spending 45min – one hours with them every day. I would also like to know more about my family and heritage from my parents and grandparent. I also hope that spending more time with my family I will be more in touch with my culture and roots which is very important to me.


3. By the end of this school year I would like to have more conversation with people I do not know in my class I will do this by having two-three conversations a day with people I do not know in each of my classes and just talking to and getting to know the people who sit around me in each of my classes which is a very important skill.

This is one of my goals because I hope to get to know more of my classmates on a more deep level by talking to them and learning things about them. I also think this is a great way to enjoy my classes more as it can be boring not talk to anyone. plus I hope by talking to more people I get to know where there from and basic facts about them things that you wouldn’t know with out talking to other people. I think this is great way to get to know more people and learn more about the people in my classes and possibly change the way I view things. This is also such a good way to have more fun at school this year.




4. I would like to be more involved in the school community and I will do this by joining at least two school teams by the end of this school year. which will hopefully be enjoyable and fun and had to my school experience this year in grade 9.

This is one of my goals because I think it will be very fun to get involved with the school and join a variety of school teams. This is also a great way to be more active and spend my free time after school and before school. I also hope that my joining more sports teams or clubs I will get to know more people as well as make new friends and add to my experience here at Pinetree. Plus hopefully I find a sport or team that I like and keep joining every year which would be very fun and a cool memory to look back on after high school. Again this is a amazing way to get more involved in my school community.


5. This year I would like to become more comfortable with public speaking I will do this engaging and participating more in class discussions and practicing presenting and public speaking at home about 1 hour a week. I will practice public speaking at home by practicing in front of people before a presentation and getting pointers from those people. I hope by doing this I will be more confident in the long run which is important.

This is one of my goal for this year because I feel like my public speaking could definitely use some practice. I also want to get better because its an important skill and want to just feel less nervous and more confident while taking Infront of large groups of people. Plus I also feel like I could still improve in engaging in class decisions which is the first step to improving my public speaking and hopefully participating more in class discussion will give me courage to confidently publicly speak. I am going to work on this goal all year as its very important to me and I really hope by practicing and doing all these stuff I will see improvement toward grade 10 next year.


6. I would like to get good grades/marks ( A- B) for all my classes I will do this by putting forward my best effort, listening in class, trying my hardest and studying or asking questions when needed. I will also try to focus more in class and not get so distracted by my friends and also not procrastinate everything to the last minute. I also hope to develop better studying habit from doing these things.

This is one of my goals because I would like to challenge my self by always trying my best to get good marks and would also like to see the effort I put in to all the work pay off. Plus I believe that by having good study habits now when I get to more challenging grades I will excel. this goal is also less about the grade but more about how hard I try and how much effort I but and learning more so I can do even better next year. I also again want to see my hard work and dedication toward assignments and studying payoff in the long run.




7. I would like to be more active by doing at least 3 hours of exercise every week so that in grade 10 I can continue to challenge my self physically. I will do this by trying out more sports and spending my free time walking around or playing a sport with friends or family, not only will this be beneficial I’m hoping it will be a fun experiences with friends and have a good long term out look in the coming years.

This is one of my goals because I want to do more physical activity and keep pushing my self to be more active and I think 3 hours a week is a good place to start for this year. This also gives me the opportunity to make more friends on different sports teams or just to have fun with the friends I already have. I also feel like playing sports can help you feel less stressed and get some fresh air which is very important. Another thing is I really enjoy playing sports and hopefully this can help me make more time for them in the week and find new sports that I like.


8. This school year I would like to spend more time outside at least 1-2 hours a day I will do this by spending lunch outside as well as walking home as much as I can to enjoy the fresh air and exercise. I will also like I mentioned play more sports and go for walks around my neighbor hood in my free time.

This is one of my goals because I enjoy spending time outdoors especially in fall but don’t spend as much time as I would like to there for I have created this goal to spend more time and enjoy the outdoors more. I also want to start walking home and I think this is a great way to start. Plus with this goal hopefully I will enjoy the fresh air more and take advantage of it before and after school and especially on weekends which I look forward to spending outside do thing I love with my friends and family


9. By the end of this school year I would like to increase my skill level in soccer possibly even score a few goals, I will achieve this by practicing extra outside of regular practice try my best and working hard at this goal. I can also practice some my technique at home and on the weekend go to town center with friends to practice even more and get better.

This is one of my goals because I have always really enjoyed playing soccer and would like to see myself improve and get better which I hopefully will with extra practice and motivation. I also want to be able to work toward something and see an improvement plus its a good way to get fresh air and spend more time with friends. its also a good uses of my weekends rather than just being on my devices. I hope by setting this goal I can improve through this school year.





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