December 16-19, 2024
Event Participation: I was a point person for our school’s Spirit Week event, I was in charge of 2 days throughout the week. Monday, which was PJ day where we planned to play Christmas themed music in the cafeteria during lunch. And I was also on Thursday’s event which was Christmas themed day with a photobooth of Santa and Buddy the elf and we had a hot chocolate stand where we sold hot cocoa for a dollar at lunch.
Curricular Competency: Theme 2: Take on increasingly demanding leadership roles.
- This core competency aligns with my course goals because becoming a point person has been one of my main course goals for a very long time. I have never joined leadership before, nor have I really done anything throughout the school where leading was necessary. Therefore finally being one and being able to do my job as a point person correctly was a huge step forward throughout my journey in leadership.
- Being able to plan out everything I had in mind and being able to communicate my ideas to my fellow point people and people in my group both within our meetings afterschool and lunch meetings as well as communicating that information through various online platforms or teams.
- Being able to take charge and guide a big group of people has also been a big part of my course goals.
Actions Taken: Explain what you did to work towards or achieve this competency.
Before: I first signed up for being a point person for Spirit week with no hopes of actually becoming one of the point people. There is always a huge amount of people who sign up for point people roles which is why I thought the odds of me becoming a point person was low. But oddly enough, I did get the role, and we were placed into a spirit week point people teams channel on November 24th. Monday and Thursday’s theme was already figured out, we just needed themes for the rest of the days and activities to be done during lunch on each day. Me and the other spirit week point people decided to make a group chat for ourselves where we could think of ideas and figure out who will be in charge of which day. We decided to send out a form to the spirit week channel for others to collaborate their opinions on what our activities and themes should be. Sadly we only had a couple responses, and they were not much help. We decided to meet up (point people only) on November 29th at lunch to discuss what our themes and activities should be, that was the day where we finalized our full plan and discussed how each person should run one day. But since our Thursday event had lots of things going on I decided to also help out on that day as well. I created a Spotify playlist filled with all Christmas themed songs to play on Monday, and that was really all I had to do for that day. We asked a set of people to make posters for each day of spirit week, and on Dec. 4 we hung up all the posters and made the reels for our events afterschool. On Dec. 11, we were shown how to make the hot chocolate, and we used wrapping paper to cover up the foyer board for our photoshoot backdrop.
During: Monday: I messaged my group on teams and sent them a reminder about 20 minutes before lunch to leave their classes 10 minutes earlier to help with our event. I got there 10 minutes earlier and looked for Chami, because he was the one who had set up the speakers for us. We found him in the halls a few minutes before lunch would start. We connected my phone to the speakers and Chami adjusted the volume and wires, I played the playlist just as the students started entering the cafeteria.
Thursday: I left my class 20 minutes before lunch to go to the teachers lounge to bring the hot water pot to the foyer. Me and the other point person in charge of the Thursday group ran downstairs to the gym office to borrow their speakers to play music in the foyer (last minute plan). We carried it all the way upstairs and plugged it into the outlet in the wall and connected a Christmas playlist onto it. We brought the foyer board and set it up, we put chairs so that Santa and buddy the elf could have somewhere to sit while taking photos. We set up tables for the hot chocolate stand and brought candy, marshmallows, candy canes, and our money box. Throughout the lunch block I was kind of flying around everywhere, helping out with the photobooth by taking cash from people and giving them their tickets, helping out with the hot chocolate stand and making hot cocoa for people, and asking the floaters how their job was going and helping anyone around who needed anything.
After: Monday: I disconnected my phone from the speakers and thanked Ms. Lovelock for letting us use her equipment, and Chami took care of the rest of the speakers.
Thursday: We put the foyer board and the chairs back into the upper cafeteria storage area, we cleaned up the hot chocolate area and put the hot water pot back in the teachers lounge, and we put the rest of the candy boxes, marshmallows, polaroids, and extra films back into the socials office. We put the tables back into the upper cafeterias storage area. We counted all of our money and wrote it down somewhere. We carried the speaker all the way downstairs and gave it back to Mr. Davies. We made sure everything was cleaned up and put away properly before we went back to class.
Evidence: Provide strong, concrete examples of your efforts and achievements. Ensure your leadership teacher can understand this evidence.
- Helping out with more things than needed
- While all of us (point people) had decided that everyone will be in charge of their own day, and we all had chosen which days we wanted to do, I still decided to help out on both days rather than 1 because I felt that the Thursday event needed more help. While I was in charge of Thursday, I was asked to help out with the photobooth. But instead I noticed that many of the people in the Thursday group were confused on a few things or had questions throughout the event, and since the original Thursday point person was taking polaroid photos, I decided to jump in and help the people in our group with their questions, which led to me being all over the place that lunch block. Aiding all 3 different groups at the same time (floaters/security, hot chocolate, photobooth).
- Helping everyone clean up in the foyer
- I helped clean up the foyer, and being the last person to leave the foyer before going back to class, I instructed the other members of our group where each item should go and where they should put it back, whether that’s taking it back to the upper cafeteria storage room, downstairs in the gym, back to the socials office, or in the teachers lounge, I offered my help to anyone who needed it during our clean up.
- Being able to communicate with teachers and staff members when in need of borrowing their equipment
- For the Monday event, we needed to use some equipment and speakers from the drama room. About a week before the event, I went to speak with Ms. Lovelock afterschool if we could use the stage and the speakers in the drama room for our event, which she was completely fine with and gave me permission. But I forgot to ask her if I had to set it up or if she was going to set it up for me. So I sent her an email over the weekend about the specific details about the set up, letting her know the exact time that we need to get the speakers ready and when we need to start playing the music. I noticed that she hadn’t responded to the email, so I reached out to Chami and asked about whether he was going to set up the speakers. Then I explained the rest of my plan to him and made sure everything was made clear. We also had to ask Mr. Davies to use the speakers for the Thursday event and we were granted permission to use it but had to return it once lunch was over.