My Time as an Online Student

This whole experience has been really different and something I never would have expected that I would have to go through.

The Most Difficult Things About Being an Online Student

I think one of the most difficult things about being an online student has been staying productive and keeping a healthy routine. It’s really hard to wake up early and go to sleep early when you have nowhere to go the next day. Even though I know I have homework to do and such, it’s just different because the only person who can truly hold me accountable during this time is myself.

Things I’ve Learned During this Time

I can honestly say that I have learned a lot during this quarantine. I’ve definitely learned to be more productive and to stay on top of things. I think I’ve really tried hard not to get lazy and still contain a healthy routine. I have honestly liked online schooling, mainly because it has really helped me learn a lot about myself and has shown me that I can be very responsible and productive even if I have no one telling me what to do.

My Daily Routine

My daily routine mainly looks like this; I wake up at around 9 (kind of wish I could wake up earlier). Then I eat breakfast and shower, and I start doing my homework. On Mondays I check all the homework that I’m going to be having during the week and I make a list. I plan out what homework I’m going to do per day and then get to work! Something I think that is very important is not to procrastinate. I honestly hate leaving work to the last minute because it makes me really anxious and I honestly can’t enjoy my time until I finish all my work. Another thing I think is very important is to take breaks. I try not to over saturate myself and plan out my time working and my free time wisely.

These are the classes that I have this semester.


Assignment I am Most Proud of 

The assignment I am most proud of that I have done during online schooling is an animation that I made in my Info Tech 9 class.  

This is a screenshot of my assignment . It’s called “Thank You Corona!” The animation is about all the positive impacts corona has had on our world! I really wanted to spread some positivity during these tough times, and I thought this was a really good way to do so. I researched and I actually found a lot of really great things that this virus has done to our environment!

Here’s a link to watch the full animation:

 Final Words

I just want to finish off by saying that even though it has been really tough for everyone to adapt and make this the new normal, I believe that it has really helped me appreciate life more and not take things for granted. I hope that it has had this same impact on others!