Using the Creative Fluency

The project I chose was from Humanities 9 and it was after we had talked about the presidential election and politics. For this assignment, we were required to construct a newspaper talking about the outcome of the election and how people around the country felt.


We did not get a lot of criteria for the assignment itself, as we were asked to just construct our newspaper like a real one and write down the main article that talked about the election. However, in addition to making the articles, we were also required to write a paragraph that explained how we made our newspaper “look like a newspaper” and “sound like a newspaper” and what strategies we used.


Before we started the project, we were given a bunch of newspapers as examples of what ours should look like. We wrote down various things that they each had in common and based our product on that. We were also given multiple templates to choose from to help us start, and were allowed to edit them or not use them at all.

It also helped to read the articles that were in the newspapers given to us, as it allowed me to get a grasp of the language that was used in a newspaper. There were great examples of what I could do for an ad in the papers, and some ideas for a couple of stories I could possibly write.

Newspaper Template 1      Newspaper Template 2    Newspaper Template 3


After we saw the examples, I had a list of things that each of them had in common, and I based my final product around that. I made sure to include an advertisement in there as it was extremely common to have at least one on every page and I also noted that the titles for the articles were all rather short and to the point, instead of being wordy and extensive. I added pictures on the pages and for the main article, wrote a caption underneath it.


As I started to create my newspaper, I kept looking back at examples of articles so I knew how I should word the paragraphs and what it should look like. Slowly, I was starting to understand how to write the articles and soon I was able to write them without a problem. The main thing was deciding what to write about after the main article, and what the other ones would be on. As I worked on it, it began to come together, becoming more and more like what I had was envisioned.


When I finished my assignment, I doublechecked if I had fulfilled the criteria and also wrote the paragraph that was also required with the newspaper. I went over the articles multiple times, reading them over to see if they had the same type of tone as actual newspapers. I was pleasantly surprised with how it turned out, and a couple of friends had even read my articles and said that it actually sounded like a real newspaper.

I probably could’ve been more creative with the design of the newspaper, as it is still rather plain. The name is also something I’m not too content with, but I wasn’t able to think of anything else at the time.

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