I decided to do this assignment on my final business project where I created a poster and presentation about a fake business I created. For this project we got into partners and included all the things we learned during business into one poster.


In order to succeed in this project, we have to follow the criteria given. Which included a poster with the companies details (logo, letterhead, business card, & slogan), a paragraph about our business, and a paragraph on the 4 P’s (product, place, promotion, & price). We also had to present 3-6mins about our business and create a visual presentation like a powerpoint for bonus marks. The presentation was like Dragons Den, where we introduce our business and ask the “Dragon” for an investment ask. We had to identify how much work there was and divide it evenly so there was enough time for both of us to complete our part of the poster since we did not have much time on it.


This project involved lots of creativity since we had to come up with some business that was convincing enough and unique. We started by coming up with a list of ideas that could work and narrowed it down to accessories for dog paws because that was high in need in the real world. We then came up with business name ideas that weren’t an actual name yet and then create a logo related to the name. We used the concept of “For Paws” as in the products are for dog paws and dogs have 4 paws, so it’s like a homophone.


After getting inspiration, we started typing and printing the paragraphs and logos. We used a template from powerpoint to make out presentation look more clean & professional. We realized that there are many ways to personalize our poster and we had to limit down the products we sold.


After deciding our business and once we had all the materials, we started to assemble the poster and presentation. We discussed about different options for presenting and displaying our poster. We even got to make a fake representation of one of our products.


Once we had everything completed and rehearsed our script, we double checked the criteria to make sure there was nothing missing and then presented in front of the class. This project is one of the projects I am most proud of so far in my school years, because it looked really neat and organized with lots of effort put into it.

Here is a picture of our poster:


Using the Creative Fluency

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