Hello! My name is Christy 🙂

I do dance, love painting and photography. I’ve danced ever since I was really little and find it really fun competing. I also love to paint in my free time and taking photos to put up in my room.

Don’t overthink, just let it go

This quote is important to me because I’m person who overthinks when I’m scared or nervous instead of thinking of the good. My parents also always told me to relax and not overthink everything when I don’t want to do something.


This is a photo I took when my family and 2 other families went to the island for a whole day. My favourite part was the sunset we got to see and I love sunsets. This was such a fun trip and I loved it!



This is a the app/website that I visit almost everyday. I love watching videos when I’m doing something, for entertainment, or for school.