I feel my mindset is more a growth mindset however, part fixed as well. The first time I learned about this lesson was when I was in grade 3 and 4. I listened to the lesson more in grade 4 than in grade 3. My teacher put us into groups of 3 and we talked about how we could learn more about this topic, and what would be the most efficient way to do that. When I first learned about fixed and growth mindset I was for sure a fixed mindset. Why? Because, I told myself “it’s fine do it later.” and “You don’t need to get extra help you’ve learned as much as you need already.” I’ve learned over time that learning isn’t a race. It’s YOUR learning, nobody else’s. So ask as many question and make as many comments as you’d like. What I have learned from this topic is astonishing! I thought this would be a onetime topic and it wouldn’t matter what I said or did due to the fixed mindset I had at the time. But really this has helped me get through some tough times in life and I learned to keep trying because of it. Now I ask myself “is that your best work?” and “Can you do better?” and it’s really helped me. I know now that I can learn from others, learning isn’t a race, it’s okay to be wrong and it’s great to be right! Your work is yours. You got this! 


a) i) when and why did I do it?, I did this last quarter and half way through the quarter. We had to do this activity because we had to understand the concept of what “growth and fixed mindset” meant.

ii) what were my goals when preparing it?, to make sure that the reader understood my point of view and that it’s okay to have a growth or fixed mindset. However, when having a growth mindset you can adapt to work you aren’t used to doing, much easier.

b) what about it makes me proud?, it makes me proud that I know I’ve grown mentally. I’ve mastered that it’s okay for you to adjust to a difference that you’re not used to.

c) what were the challenges I faced while working on it?, one challenge I was constantly facing was procrastination. I’ve yet to over Come this struggle but I’m working on it and I’m seeing some progress.

d) if I were to do it again in the future what would you do differently?, I know I will be going through this in the future. In fact for the rest of my life. However, if this weren’t an everyday task then I would change the struggle of procrastinating and start to ask more questions when I’m unsure on something.


A sample of my work on growth and fixed mindset

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