Published by Pedro O.

I can show my Creative Fluency in a Social studies project last semester, where we had to create a poster or a Power Point  about First Nation and explain a little bit about the way they lived and how they survived with all the terrible things they went through, and after all we had to present the poster or the power Point slide.


For a person to be successful in this project you would have to be able to follow a criteria sheet, and that sheet said to get a lot of detail about the fact you were talking about, be a great presenter, and try to include less points on you project, so it does not get boring( of course it was not these exact words, but it was something like that) . If you chose to make a Power Point, we could only have one slide, which meant you have to learn how to put a lot of information in small sentences. and if you chose to have a poster you could have more options . but because i wanted to challenge myself I chose to use the Power Point. As I said there were going to be a lot of challenges in this project, and in my opinion there were two big challenges. The first challenge was being able to put a lot of information in a little amount of space (one slide). I find this hard because you not only have to make small sentences with a lot of information, but you also have to find the right information. The second reason is I was never a person who likes to present something to people, so the fact I had to present something got me really stressed.


My teacher called in another teacher that his family was firsts nation sand he talked about some of the struggle his family went through, and that got me more inspired, now I saw what really happened, and I could talk more about it when I present. Some of the things he talked about was how hard they worked as a group and how people would treat them in a very bad way. I watched this movie a couple days before, and they talk about the life of a First Nation that goes through a lot of challenges in his life, and how he overcomes it.

PowerPoint Presentation Brought To By: Haley Seiba, Ariana ...











After watching the movie, and the analyzing everything, I found that it be best if I added some information about the movie and some examples fora good presentation into my presentation. I also watched some videos on first nation, and I was ready to make my project


This is the final project .

After starting to do all my research I started putting the information according to what was best for me to present and for the audience to hear. After i finished it, I decided to show my mom and see if she could help me with anything, and change things around. Now that the hard part was over I just had to apply the changes into the power PowerPoint slide.


My project turned out great, and I got the second best mark of the class but it was still an A. After doing the Creative Fluency project, I can see that this can actually help me in a lot of my project and I will take this until I finish doing projects, which I do not think will happen but, it was a great experience.

Using Creative Fluency

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