2021 – 2022 Goal Perfection Grade 9

What Are Goals?

Goals are very cool routine to go through on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and maybe decade basis. It helps you eye on a target that you want a bullseye on. Maybe you want to run a 20km marathon in 1 hour, or learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube in under 5 seconds, something that you’d be proud of in the time given.  Here are some goals I’d like to achieve by the time I hit grade 10.

Family and Friends

Family to me is definitely a priority, it’s one of those things that, you either have or not. I was luckily born into a full family with my Sister, Mom, and Dad and want to cherish every second with them. All four of us enjoy going out for a nice lunch, hitting up the mall, and travelling to local cities. We’ve recently travelled to Banff, Alberta and experienced amazing hiking trails, food, and views. I hope to spend more time with them with the same usual events that we enjoy and eventually start paying them back 10x times more it caused to raise me to the man I am today. I am very proud of my achievements and passion which couldn’t been done without their support. I want to make sure they can see me be proud of themselves and myself.


Although I do put my 100% in school education, it does help me set a base for my minimum effort required which is extremely important. An example of this is when I play videos games like Apex Legends: no matter how hard I try, I cannot turn off competitiveness. I want to beat you, I want to win and be proud of it. My personal effort currently is probably 80%, if there’s room for improvement, then I’ll take action. By grade 10, I’d like to set my average effort amount to around 85%. I don’t enjoy school and I’m sure most students don’t, but putting 80-85% of your power into something you don’t enjoy can be quite challenging for majority of the population. I do hope it can also be a learning curve so once I turn 16 and get my first job, I can set my standards even higher and faster before I become an adult (18 years old.)

Health & Fitness

For the past few days, my daily, weekly, and monthly amount of steps kept track on my iPhone have been around 2-3k. Since I now walk to school, that number has been consistently doubling and I think I can do much better. I think getting 7,000 steps on a daily basis starting as soon as possible will be one of my priorities for this semester and year. On top of that, I think before somewhat more careful of what I eat because I used to eat instant ramen for 4-5 days of the week for lunch. Finally, getting out of my bed when my alarm rings can be quite difficult, the faster you get out the more discipline you are.

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