Reflection 1 – My Goals for This Year.

Family and friends 

1. Recognizing people I know before but haven’t talked to for long. To achieve this, I can start with simply saying hi if I see them somewhere in or out of the school ground. 

2. Get to know more people in all of my blocks and be nice to others. To achieve this, I can introduce myself to others if when I get a chance and ask their names, which is the first step of knowing new people. When someone around tries my best to have a kind facial emotion and to not make myself too unfriendly because that might give others bad feelings. Say hi and goodbye, be polite and leave everyone their comfortable social distance during the special time. 

3. Fasten relationships with family members and friends. To achieve this I will call family members/friends consistently especially the ones that I don’t get to see. Call them at least once a week, let them know how I’m doing, and share with them the fun things that happened around my life or the sad ones… Also through activities like taking walks outside, play sports with friends like tennis, frisbee, basketball…etc 


1. Complete all my works on time and write them as neat as possible. To achieve this, I will record down my plans every day, so I will have in mind what I will need to finish when I get home. Use time wisely by doing harder assignments first. Avoid rushing through works, always remember quality over quantity. When I think I completed everything, check over things again in case “accidents” happen(missed something).

2. Get to know all teachers, and let them know what I’m good at and what areas I might need more help on. To achieve this: When at classes, be as much active as possible, like answering questions, responding to teachers at the right time, ask questions when I don’t understand something, etc… Letting my teachers know me better is the best way to support learning since they will know my pros and cons for that subject.

3. Put all my efforts into my courses and reach for the highest grades. To achieve this, generally, all courses have assignments I need to do them well and check if I missed some of them. Specifically for each course: Math, since this year I got into honors it’s more challenging, so I need to work harder and practice more. Ask questions when I’m having trouble understanding something, and review all lessons, and practice any question I did wrong on quizzes and tests if I got any. Review units consistently. be prepared with tests/quizzes. Japanese: Practice by repeating sentences learned in class every day, practice the Hiragana chart, check the Japanese website in which Sensei posts homework every day, and ask questions when not understanding instructions. ICT9, always up to date on what needs to be done, read class note book carefully to understand the concepts, ask when having trouble with technology. 

By the end of the year, my goal is to be prepared for grade ten. to achieve that, I must work my way up, step by step during grade nine. (like all the ones I mentioned above.)


1. Scheduled time for bed and time in the morning to wake up. Make sure that all homework is done so I won’t spend my time late at night finishing something or interrupting the time I originally had planned for something else. Set a timer if I can’t keep track that well. Ask my parents to cooperate with me, like notice me about the time, if it’s already too late or others.  

2. Keeping exercising and stay active. Exercise every day by activities like walking, running, tennis, dance, badminton, ultimate, etc… Set timers if possible, in case I overwork or do the opposite. Get someone with me like a friend or my parents to keep the habit. When I’m not alone doing something, it’s harder to give up.

3. Mindfulness, don’t over-stress even when big assignments tests are coming up, work/study rest, and play, one by one and separately. Relax by doing sports listen to music, sleep, etc. Work with regular amounts of time, if too busy don’t overwork, separate the time of doing assignments into smaller sections. For example, work half an hour and relax for ten minutes… Stay scheduled so nothing much can be interrupted at school or home even coming to a very busy time like near the end of the year.

=Σ((( つ•̀ώ)


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