September 10

Reflection 1 – My Goals for This Year.

Family and Friends

One goal this year would be to of course make some new friends. Not that many kids from my old school are here so that would mean I don’t know a lot of people. I won’t aim for a lot just some that I can talk to in each class. Just a simple conversation or even asking others for help or even giving help could help me achieve this goal.

A goal I can set for my family could be just spending more time together. I could spend less time in my room and start talking to them about how their day was more. Since school is coming back I might be seeing my parents less because my dad works afternoons and my mom sometimes does too. I’ll make sure to be more appreciative if we go outside on the weekend together.

The last goal I’ll set for my family is to do more of the house chores without being asked too. I’ll pay more attention if the floor is dirty or if the laundry basket is full. I will probably start doing this weekly or whenever we just need it. I’m also getting my mom to teach me how to cook more so that will be useful if she is working after school.


A goal for education would be to get good grades. Specifically A’s and B’s is what I’ll aim for in my report cards. I’ll try to participate to the best of my abilities in class like raising my hand and being active in group conversations. Of course I’ll be putting my best effort in all of the work we do but I know that it will be different from middle school. I’ll try to keep myself motivated like staying positive and being organized.

Building good habits for school and education would be another goal I’ll set. Something like getting to school on time or being prepared for assignments. I will give myself enough time to study but I’ll also be sure to take breaks. Practice with friends as well. Organization would be a big thing with all the different classes I have. I do have a binder and duo tangs to keep all my papers.

Time management is going to be another one of my goals. I want to make the most use of my time during class so I don’t have to bring anything home. Staying on task and focusing will help. If I need to bring something home I will relax for maybe an hour or thirty minutes that way I can calm down. After that I will use the rest of my time to finish up work for 30-40 minutes with breaks in between.


Since summer has ended I’m now required to wake up early for school. To have enough energy I will have to sleep earlier than when it was summer. One of my health goals will be to get 8 or more hours of sleep every night. I’ll do this by finishing homework before getting ready to bed and having less screen time too. This way I will be able to relax and prepare for the next day.

I will try to be more physically active as well. Like joining my family on walks on weekends or just doing light exercises at home by myself. Maybe even walking around during lunch at school or going up the stairs instead of an escalator or elevator. I will try to go outside more before the weather turns bad.

I hope this year won’t be too difficult. I don’t want to be overwhelmed by this new year and the work, so my last goal will be to manage my stress. Of course having stress in life is inevitable, but I hope this transition from middle school to high school won’t push me down. I’ll do this by leaving time for myself and relaxing. Of course that doesn’t mean I’ll avoid my work. Trying to finish all my work during school time so I’m free after would be a good thing as well. I can make use of lunch time too so I only have to do homework at home.

Posted September 10, 2021 by Eimmerin in category Grade 9

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