April 30

Food Photography Practice

I first took a photo of a baguette. I positioned the knife to act like it’s slicing the baguette so there’s some action. I want the audience to see that the baguette is being prepped for something. The baguette is displayed so the station looks neat and you can see everything on the cutting board. The cutting board is at an angle because it gives more shape. I like how the background is white while the center of attention is darker. I edited the colours and lighting to be more saturated. A warm coloured center with a cool coloured background. It brings more life into the photo and makes the baguette look more appetizing.

In this photo, I like how the background is cool and dark, while the foreground is warm. It gives a nice contrast and something for your eyes to focus on. I edited the colours to look more vibrant, but also lowered the exposer for a more relaxed environment. I wanted more of a meaning in the photo so I added the juicers. The audience can assume that these fruits are going to become juice. The blue cloth is as a background, but also there so juice won’t go everywhere. The apples are positioned differently so there’s more for the eyes to look at and the orange has it’s stalk part up so there’s more colour. The cutting board is cut off and at an angle to create more shape.

I used the lamp with a yellow light to have a warm colour. Even though the orange and the cutting board are similar colours, I like how the shadow still contrasts them. It’s also why the orange isn’t centered, but the shadow is. The audience’s eyes can focus on the middle. I also edited the colours to better separate the foreground and the background. It’s warm and cool.  The stalk part of the orange is showing so there’s more colour and shape. There’s also a little bit of water on the orange to make it seem like it’s fresh and being ready to use.