˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Some goals I would like to accomplish.
♡To start of I would like to spend more time with my family since I barely get to see them, it would be nice if we could talk and start conversations about anything or what we are interested in or go out somewhere we would all enjoy and have fun at the same time. I would like to go on family trips/vacations, restaurants etc. it would bring us closer. By Listening to each other, would also be good for everyone so that we could understand one another about our situations or struggles. I have many friends, but I would also like to get closer and engage with them as well. Thankfully I have close friends, but I feel like with some of my other friends I’m not as close. I would like to get to know them better by hanging out, chatting with each other more in person or by texting, and by visiting each other at times. I will maintain good relationships with all my friends by checking up on them, spending time having fun, and if they need someone to talk to, I’m here as well and will be understanding of course.
♡I also would like to focus on school. I get distracted by my devices which makes it hard to finish work. In order to complete my work, I will put my devices somewhere far from me, so I won’t be able to check and I will set a daily timer on to remind me as well. I will do my assignments by getting started as soon as possible and not leaving it by the last minute then I won’t have to stress, by grade 10 and the two following years this will become a habit. After studying I will take breaks and reward myself then it won’t be tiring and boring for me and I get to do other things like going on a walk, listening to music, watching a movie or tv show, basically hobbies in general which will help keep my mind refreshed and so I can concentrate better.
♡Lastly, this goal is not only for my physical health but also for my mental health, both are important. So, for my Physical health I will try to get the right nutrition by watching the amount of food I eat, and I will try to set more healthy eating habits. By sleeping on time and getting full hours of sleep is good for my heath too since I will have more energy. For my mental health, I will start meditating more which is relaxing and calms me down about any of my problems and troubles and stress overall. I will try to focus more on myself, it will make me a better person and will help as well.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Making progress slowly will make me achieve these goals by the following school years and make me a better person for myself.