My First Vision Board

My health goals are having a consistent sleep schedule, spending more time outdoors exploring my community, eating healthier, and keeping a futuristic mindset. I don’t often get out of the house, so I aim to walk around local parks with family more often and travel around Metro Vancouver to places I haven’t been before. It will allow me to breathe fresh air and be a change of pace to accommodate my mental health.    

For education, I want to begin thinking about my graduation process as I am unsure where I want to be post-secondary. I am considering joining clubs next year and findings ways to give back to my community. To achieve good grades, I plan to focus on social studies, English and linguistics while working hard to improve my understanding of base-level mathematics and science. 

My relationships section shows ways I want to connect with my family, friends and community. Because of the pandemic, I don’t attend social gatherings as often as I wish I could anymore. I hope to strengthen my relationship with family and friends by going out together to restaurants, malls, the cinema, or any place we can spend time with each other. 

Happiness is what I consider the most vital part of my school life. I have attached photos to display my passion for drawing, interest in pursuing instruments like piano and guitar and continuing practicing my cooking skills. While staying on track with my studies, I want to enjoy my high school years as much as possible. The ideal high school experience will come by allowing opportunities to have fun, explore my relationships and be serious about my education all at once. 


Reflection 1 – Goal Setting 2021

Family and friends: 

1) Since all my friends from middle school now attend different high schools, I want to branch out my social life at school by being more talkative to students who sit with/next to me and reaching out to people I notice we share multiple subjects. I find it will be beneficial for my social life and allow me to better know the people in my environment rather than secluding myself in an independent bubble.  

2) To elevate my mental health and motivation, I want to change the way I deal with rage and stress. Rather than letting my irritation pile upon itself until it is let out in angry, destructive outbursts, I will try to be more open-minded and let go of small annoyances that will only cause me inconvenience. By doing so, I believe it will take away my cynicism and irritability, elevating my thought-process and outlook on life.  

3) Advice I have observed from older friends, family and students are joining clubs and extracurricular activities will not only boost my high school experience but also provide extra credit and opportunities in post-secondary pursuits, something I undoubtedly desire as I register the dominant role high school plays in my later life. This year I will encourage myself to take part in clubs and sporting campaigns to meet new faces and further involve myself in the Pinetree community.  


1)  I strive to achieve straight ‘A’s for all subjects in both semesters. If not, only allow me one ‘B’ each semester, as my academic performance holds much importance to my personal and family values. To do so, I must focus my attention on completing my long-term goal of completely getting rid of my procrastination habit by staying determined to finish all school assignments with the best of my efforts during given work blocks at school, leaving little to none assigned for home. 

2) As with each passing year, I am nearer to my post-secondary career. I want to begin to seriously consider my future education and explore several career topics of interest, so I am organized and have fixed aspirations after high school. I must contemplate enrolling in honours programs and taking extra liberty to advance my education outside of school, even if I am not obliged to. 

 3) When I get home, I often give myself too much leeway to relax and leave less time to complete my assignments, causing much of my trouble being punctual at submitting work. By creating a fixed schedule and permitting myself from self-indulging activities until after finishing schoolwork, I will be helping myself strive to follow a more efficient and beneficial workflow.  


1) Because of the pandemic, my physical activities have decreased significantly, and I have noticed over the years; my endurance and speed have notably weakened. I hope to regain and improve my athleticism and bodily well-being by sticking to a strict morning routine of stretches and workouts and eating more balanced meals, reducing the amount of meat in my diet and increasing fruits and vegetables, as I worry how my current state of health affects my daily performance. 

2) Over the years, the amount of sleep I have been getting has declined. Many times, unreasonably, due to a habit of staying up late for fun, ignoring the short and long-term consequences that it could lead to. I want to obtain at least 8 hours of sleep on school nights and 10 hours on weekends, a healthy amount for my age so I can work a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. I will accomplish this by making designated times for personal pleasure earlier in my schedule rather than leaving it at night.  

3) I have always brushed aside negative traits and habits of mine such as diet, skincare, sleep schedule and posture because of my laziness and lack of commitment to better myself. Now that these habits are showing more serious signs of health problems down the road, I worry about the severity of the complications it has to my health. I must examine the long-term ramifications and put a definite end to them before any reversal is no longer an option.