My 3 goals are the goals I would like to achieve by the end of this school year (grade 9).

The three goals include,

  1. family and friends
  2. education
  3. health

My first goal for the family and friends section is,

I want to spend my free time cleaning the house every day.

My mom always helps me and does the cleaning while I do other things like staring at my phone. I try to sweep the floor and wash the dishes more but usually, I end up unmotivated to do so.

I would like to make a friend by the end of the year.

Working with someone improves my mood and I tend to make better projects! Talking to someone in my free time always makes me happier, and I’m always down to make new friends.

I would like to get to know a teacher and his/her life.

It’s always entertaining to know how a teacher spends their personal life. I found out that my previous music teacher broke up with his girlfriend.

My 3 goals for education are to,

Get an A this term

Finish all my work 

Spend more of my time on homework instead of staring at my phone

I always feel accomplished when I achieve a high grade and feel academic validation. I also want to spend more time on my homework because I feel like I spend too much time on my phone.

My 3 goals for health are,

Get plentiful rest daily

Achieve a healthy weight

Maintain a cheer outlook on life

A healthy mindset and body are what I mainly want in life, so I will work very hard to achieve these goals. I need plentiful rest to relax my body and focus on my primary things in life. Sleeping is a bit of an issue for me because I am a late sleeper and tend to feel tired throughout the day. A healthy body is what I would like as well because being more fit and active can make me happier. If I am happy, I can finish my projects and work much earlier because I will be motivated.

Reflection 1 – My Goals for This Year

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