this is my work on how i will manage my screen time!

for health, i take part in many extracurricular activities in sports. i also do music. for sports, i play softball, soccer, taekwondo and karate. my schedule is already pretty filled up.

practices and games usually take from 1:30 (hour and a half) to 3:00 (three hours)

i also try to put in over 5 hours of sleep. i like to sleep late and i know its a bad habit so i leave my phone somewhere else at night, therefore itll be easier for me to fall asleep.

after sports, I do my homework. studying for me takes at least 2 hours.. or even 10 minutes if i don’t have a lot of work.

i normally get my work done in class so i wont have to stay up too late, or i work right after school when I get home.

i also go to the library and study with friends! its very fun to work with them because we hang out and learn at the same time!

for social bonds, i always meet my friends in my free time.

i usually get Wednesdays off, so i go to the mall or a store somewhere else. sometimes i go skiing at cypress with my friend too!

interacting with my teammates should and the library hours because these people are my friends as well. i enjoy talking to people.

at school, I will put my phone away when the teacher is talking.

i usually listen to the lectures so I know how to complete my work.

if I do go on my phone, it will be for calculating or searching something up.

i also wont listen to music while the teacher is talking.

most of the time, I do my work first before I get on my device

I also go to my sports practice and I don’t have time to get on my phone there, because I will be playing!

the only time I do get on my phone is when I’m done everything else 🙂

these steps are how I will be better at my screen time usage

my plan for screen time

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