Hello, my name is Nathaniel. I am in grade 9 and I like to play basketball and also watching basketball. I am trying to learn new things this year and see what high school offers.

  • I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it is an illusion to me. Failure always made me try harder next time

I like this quote because it shows that it’s not too late to try again and not to give up.

I like this video because he is my favourite basketball player and he just started playing in the NBA since last year. He shows that even if your young you can be the best which is why he is my favourite basketball player right now. He is also very athletic and funny.

Image result for lakes

This picture is cool to me because I have always wanted to swim in a crystal blue lake. I have only been to a lake like this once but I was not allowed to swim in it. I would like to go to a lagoon sometime because it feels like a giant pool which is cool to me.


A website I check often is https://www.youtube.com/

I use this website to pass time or when I’m taking a break. Sometimes I accidentally watch too much but it’s good to get up to date with things you missed out on because everything is on it.