My plan for screen time



My plan for screen time


For my health:

  • I will work on my health everyday by taking a walk after my homework or dinner for about 25 minutes if it is a nice day outside without my phone.
  • I will make sure I get a good sleep and not spend time on my phone for  too long before going to bed. So I will put my phone away 45 or 30 minutes before I got sleep.

For my education:

  • I will start reading more for my own knowledge at least 2hours a week, that I will spread over the week.
  • I will use my phone productively and watch the news on my phone or my tv everyday or at least over the weekend if I’m too busy over the week.

Social bonds:

  • This is a daily thing that i need to do, i need to be more open and go up and talk to people more . Be less shy and more confident when I’m talking by example to the store to cashier… I will put away my fears and stress and get more open even with my friends. Share my thoughts…
  • I should go out more with friends or even just with my family and stop stuck myself at home. I’, going to invite some of my friends to go out with me and spend some time outside.

Stopping rules

For school: 

  • I can set myself a rule to put my phone on silent mode during class so that I do not hear any notifications. Put my phone not in my pockets because I will always feel the need to check it but in my bag so that I do not get distracted.
  • No headphones otherwise I will always want to change the music and go on my phone, and this will lead me to see my notifications on my social media or messages. 

For home:

  • I can set an alarm on my phone that will remind me that I need to stop using it. I will start by spending 4 hours a day  on my phone and not more over the week. 
  • Also, if I was using my phone for a long amount of time, I can give it to one of my parents to keep it after, for a certain amount of time, so that I can do other things in my day. Specially over the weekend if I’m the all day at home, my limit are going to be 4 hours max too.

Digital footprint

  1. How expansive is this person’s digital footprint? Influencers or famous people would post couples days a week or even everyday. on multiples platforms as Instagram, Snapchat, tweeter or Tiktok . Some influencers got managers or someone who deal with their account in their agency. An example of Kylie Jenner
  2. What protection does this person put on their accounts?
  3. What information does Kylie Jenner want  you to see? What information do they keep private?  Kylie Jenner is keeping her  address, phone number, credit card id private. she got  some spots for her shooting most of the time but sometime she is doing it in her house. Kylie and  her family just try to not show things that could tell us where they live. She sometimes identify her location  when she’s outside or in different countries. Also she don’t always post pictures or stories in the moment, she post it couple days later.
  4. To me this is not really oversharing its still reasonable.