This Quarter I had  Science 9 and in biology , my teacher introduced  a new assignment on asexual reproduction. In this assignment you had to make a comic strip based off of the 5 methods of asexual reproduction(budding, fragmentation, vegetation propagation, binary fission, and spore formation). As any other comic strip or comic book the illustrations had to be clear and neat, and the speech or thought bubbles had to be organized and understandable.

Asexual reproduction : comics


To get full marks and an extending mark I needed to thoroughly look through the criteria and ask my teacher some questions to fully understand the assignment. The criteria that was given to me was simple, make a comic strip about the 5 methods of asexual reproduction using pictures and bubbles to explain with 3-4 cartoon boxes.

Asexual Reproduction and Its Types | CK-12 Foundation


To get an idea of what I could make my comic strip based off of I searched up many examples for each method from google. My main inspiration for this assignment was ideas and examples from google based  of the same assignment, for example the image from the bottom of this paragraph. Another example is Patrick the star from SpongeBob for fragmentation, or yeast for budding. As for coloring I knew I wanted my comic strip to be eye-catching so I used colors that were bright and fitted the illustrations well.

Patrick Star - Wikipedia



After looking at inspiration for my assignment off google I began to do my rough draft. I knew that it was mandatory for me to do a rough draft because I am not the best at drawing at all,  I wanted to be exceeding in this assignment because I wanted to show my teacher that I can think outside of the box and exceed in assignments that I’m not so strong at. Not only did I look at inspiration, but I also asked the teacher for examples from previous years to get more ideas and understanding of the assignment. Now that I  have all these ideas I’m going to have to narrow them down and start to illustrate and write speech bubbles.

Binary Fission: Definition & Process



I could see around the room that most of my classmates where doing the same illustrations, I wanted to to think out of the box and do what most people weren’t doing. That “aha” moment was when I looked across the room and saw one of my classmates with a SpongeBob comic book, I decided to make my comic strip based off of SpongeBob, Patrick would be fragmentation, plankton would be binary fission, and pineapple would vegetation propagation. It took me quite sometime to get the illustration right or similar to the actual cartoon, but once I did another set of my rough draft I got the illustration to be as similar to the cartoon as I could. After the illustrations the speech bubble part was quite easy, it only took me a couple of minutes to make speech bubbles for all 5 comic strips.

I drew a spongebob comic strip - YouTube



Once I finished drawing everything and writing  all of the speech bubbles, I began to fine- line and began to color. As previously said I wanted to think outside of  the box and make my assignment different form my other classmates, so I made sure to color my comic strip with vibrate colors and colors that would match the illustrations perfectly. Once I finished coloring and fine-lining I looked at the criteria one last time and made sure I checked all the boxes, and did not miss a thing.

If I were to do this assignment again one thing I would change  would be to make the speech bubbles more fun and understandable, and not so much straight forward.

Cartoon SNAP: SpongeBob Comics: “Hiccup and Away”

(Unfortunately I lost my comic strip, therefore I couldn’t show my assignment.)

Using Creative Fluency

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