
Meet the Teacher Night

    1. Point person
    2. Deligate tasks
    3. Creatively and critically thinking with
    4. Build team community and hype
    5. Maintaining group focus
    6. Seeking teacher aid for external materials (such as nametags, printing posters, etc.)
    7. Setting up chairs and Pinetree merch
    8. Communication with fellow point people via email or text
    9. Cleaning up after event (putting away tables and chairs, making sure each drink and snack station is clean and put away properly)
    10. Seeking out individuals that speak a certain language for parents
    11. Flexible (solving an issue on the spot, conversing with point people and Ms. Rioux)

Rememberance Day

    1. Arriving very early at school to help set up hundreds of chairs in gym
    2. Bagpipe escort (guided them to rooms 7, 8, 9 to tune their instruments, providing them water by consulting Mr. Clarke)
    3. Maintaining crowd (loading students in an orderly fashion)
    4. Assisting Band members with music stands and chairs
    5. Attentive listening to point people with new instructions or adjustments
    6. Packing away chairs, benches etc. out of gym

Grade 9 Day

    1. Bringing positive energy to grade 9’s
    2. Setting up tables, chips and soda in an organized fashion
    3. Monitoring library exit door to prevent students from sneaking/ahead of line

Talent Show

    1. Creating microsoft form for students to fill out in order to sign up
    2. Creating QR code for form
    3. Making the form under short notice (flexible)
    4. Thorough communication with Ms. Macpherson via email (making adjustments as needed)
    5. Helping backstage set up and organization
    6. Staying on a tight timetable (sending out acts at the correct time and order)
    7. Communication with backstage partner
    8. Arriving early to help with other tasks, such as helping set up cameras or gettings acts together