include what you feel you deserve and explain WHY

I feel I deserved 86-90% because I have demonstrated a school positive energy in events that I have participated in and outside of them, shown that I understand what is asked of me and provide my best work in my assignments, and proved myself to be a reliable team player to other leadership students.

I constantly made sure I put myself out in order to help other leadership students who needed help in all the events, providing more hands where needed when I was finished my own tasks. I also hand in my work on time and make sure I arrived at my events early and prepared and never left early either, making sure to help others clean up so that they do not feel burden by the amount of cleaning they have to do, and so everyone can go home as soon as possible. Additionally, I always utilize my observation and communication skills to overcome problems that occur, especially during the International Student Events and Winter Formal. I put myself in challenging situations to push myself and grow, and encourage my teammates to do their best, by being outgoing and supportive and engaging in conversations with them so that everyone feels comfortable with each other!