International Student Tour: Before the school year began, I volunteered to give new international students an in-depth tour around the school and information about the school culture and answered questions they had.

Terry Fox Run: I helped set up the drinks and food before the event started and gave them out too, and stayed till the end to clean up trash on the floor and put the fences back.

Winter Formal: I assisted students with how to participate in the raffle and how the system worked, maintained a clean and presentable dining area at all times, kept check of drink inventory, and stayed till 11:30 to clean up the entire area and set equipment back.

International Student Event: I was responsible for providing a memorable and fun experience for three international students during the scavenger hunt. Also, I was in charge of taking picture/video evidence of our tasks being completed.

Parent Teacher Night: I was at the front desk, in charge of directing parents to the correct classroom for their interviews and ensuring that parents for the volleyball game were parked at the appropriate place.

After School Tutor: I decided to utilize my expertise in science and go to the homework club after school in hopes to help students with their homework.

Spirit Week: I participated in 3/5 spirit day themes (pajama, twin, pinetree spirit day).