From when I first joined leadership to now (midterms), I was able to experience a variety of activities with plentiful

volunteering and bring overall success to events. I also faced all different types of challenges in this course, as well as learning,

growth and success in the end. For the past five months, the main events that taught me to be a better leader were the

international and non-international student tours and Remembrance day. From these amazing opportunities, I had the chance

to develop skills that were mainly communication, teamwork, collaboration and influencing skills. As a person who is not the

most comfortable in social situations in large groups, leadership has made me discover so many different approaches and has

really let me get out of my comfort zone. Both the Student tours and Remembrance day events strengthened my social and

communication skills. In the events, I had to map out strategies and plans together with the group and get our teams to work on

different roles, so that the work was well distributed and time was managed wisely. I helped the group to strive towards success

by influencing the group members to quickly come to a consensus and make decisions in the process of organizing individual

tasks. With our successful execution of teamwork, we were able to set up hundreds of chairs and move all the things that were

not in their right places to where they needed to be in an hour for the Remembrance day assemblies. Through these valuable

experiences, In the months to come, I will become a better leader by strengthening my weak points actively and confidently. I

can do this by communicating with the team to collaborate and even influence them to get working even if I am not the most

comfortable doing so. I believe one of the most beneficial lessons I’ve learned so far in the past five months is that nothing is

unattainable. I was able to face anxiety and fear and get myself out of my comfort zone this whole semester and lead others with

more confidence. By challenging myself I would love to be a point person for future events to take a bigger part in this course as a leader.


This contains an image of: The Mirror


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